The Gnostic Institute of Anthropology Samael and Litelantes offers you access to the Teachings of Master Samael Aun Weor through the online Gnosis Course.

The aim of the Correspondence Learning Courses is to give the Gnostic Teaching to those who cannot access a Gnostic study centre. We offer this courseĀ forĀ free.

The course consists of eight levels and each level is made up of six lessons with a theoretical part and a practical part, also including audiovisual material.

Even if it is important to acquire a theoretical base, Gnosis is 100% practical. Everyone must carry out their own practical exercises, without having to answer to anyone else. Understanding only comes with direct experience, and this experience can only come with daily work.

If you wish to register for the online Gnosis Course, please write to us using the following form: click here




This course is the property of the G.I.A.-India- and its distribution is forbidden